>>return to mibu no ookami<<

Hey, it must be an illusion! Another update ^_^;  Well, for starters, I removed the counter on the main page. To be honest, I was sick of the way it looked and basically know the site has a lot of hitsà it was just clutter. I also added a æShape the SiteÆ page, which is basically a feedback form to let me know what to focus on when designing the anniversary site.

 Also û a new movie added in the multimedia section (thanks Casey Paul!) If the link is broken when you try to download it, try back a little later - I've been having ftp problems, more screenshots in the gallery(pg. 2 for thumbs), a new wallpaper added, broken Japanese fan art links removed & a new one added, two new chapters of Kagetai fiction added, Soushi's Kagetai profile updated, another mailing list member added, new fan club memberà

And -  Kaaron saw the best-looking Saito cosplayer at katsucon6 (Febuary 11-13 Arlington, VA), but didn't get any pictures! If anyone has shots of this cosplayer, could you send them to one of us? Thanks!

>grovels<Hey, in webmaintainer lingo ôIÆll update in a week!ö means ôIÆll update in a monthà or two.ö Yeah, it took forever to get here, but theres finally some updating. My excuse? Ermà Well, I ~am~ making a Shinsengumi costume for Animazement 2000! IÆve also been working on a special projectà he he he heà  If my brother and I can get it working, it should be pretty nifty û sort of an interactive Saitou game. More on that, laterà

 More fan fiction! I sort of altered the layout of the fiction page while I was adding the new fics and new chapters. More fan club members, mailing list profiles, Saitou/Shinsen resources, another award winner, a new Shinsengumi cosplay guide with a plethora of links, more YKYLSTMW and another Saitou memory. There are two more Saitou sightings  - including a pic of the airbrushed T-shirt from Fandemonium! And, yes, more fan art, including a sizzling Valentine's picture! *_*;;

 Thanks to a wonderfully generous donation by Anchella, the sound section has more meat to it. I also changed the old sounds from rm to mp3. In fact, IÆve changed all the sounds to mp3, since it sounds better and the files are smaller (IÆm sure Anchella doesnÆt mind). I also made my own mp3 of Hoeru Miburo, and added an mp3 of the DirectorÆs Mix version. ThereÆs also another Saitou winamp skin, and more images in the gallery (pg 2 for thumbs) û thanks for donating the screen shots, Casey!

 As for the Kagetaià two profiles were updated, a new profile was added, thereÆs more Kagetai artwork, and a #$% load of new, and super æcres Kagetai fan fiction! The group certainly has been busy while I've been slacking off ^_^

 Well, I wonÆt say when the next update will beà I probably wonÆt have time to work on the site until after the con, whichÆll be around March 13th. Hope to see you there!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAJIME! There is a little birthday fun for everyone in the worship section. And since itÆs (practically) the 1st, Fandemonium99 is OVER! Check the contest page to see the winners, etc. Do you like the new look for that site?
 AKU ALERT! Someone has been up to no good. Please take a moment to read this message from Tae of the Akabeko. Speaking of Tae, the Rurouni Kenshin Reader's Choice Awards are almost announced! ^_^
  Now, for normal update garbage... Two more kagetai fan pics by Fox, plus a super cres one from jm. And YES! <bangs head against floor> I am still going through profiles/timeline stuff, etc. Please bear with me a little longer? ;_;
  I've added three more fan art pics! The site was named as the AZ site of the month for December & the award is in the award section. Thanks Tasuki360! The poem Wolf's Howl was added in the Misc. worship section (which was slightly reorganized), Smerfette was awarded the Chou award, for her cres site 'Rurouni Kenshin Cavern'. There are more fan club members up and another ML member profile up there.
  I knowà this isn't a massive update, but you can expect more fiction, another winamp skin, kagetai junk, etc. next weekend! Yes, I am actually starting up my regular updating routine again!

  A little late and not much to offer this time, unless youÆre a Kagetai fan ^_^; The group has been working on clarifying and organizing. There is a spanking (sort of ) new Kagetai page, now. We have a timeline, the artwork and fiction have moved onto separate pages for better loading time and some profiles have been removed for revision. Others are currently being reviewed. From now on I have a partner in crime for reviewing/accepting profiles: Milinar. Thanks, Milly. My love for you has, impossibly enough, grown thanks to all of your much needed help ^_~
  New rules were added for the Miburo Madness Mailing List. Also û many little glitches fixed. DonÆt ask me how I missed them before, but if something was broken last week chances are itÆs fixed now. IÆll be adding more parodies, fiction, scans, etc. next weekend. Hey, can anyone recommend something good for screencapping/snatching sounds? I borrowed my sisterÆs Snappy, but it sucked beyond beliefà

   There was a little glitch fixed on the cosplay page, along with a link added to this awesome Shinsengumi Cosplay TeamÆs page of pics. Thanks, Mike Corbitt, for finding this! There were two wallpapers donated, eleven fan club members added, five additions to the YKYLSTMW list, tweakage to the mailing list page and the Misc. section index, more mailing list membersÆ profiles added, more parodies added, another fan art added, another æSaitou Seal of ApprovalÆ winner and wish list additions. Also, the wish list has moved into the Worship section.
  The Kagetai section received much attention this time. There is now a separate mailing list for the Kagetai, lots more artwork, lots more fiction, and updates on HiroÆs & KazuoÆs profiles. I have a few profiles under review, so if youÆre not up there yet donÆt worryà soon!
  New feature in Humor section: Wolverine & Saitou? Oh yesà If youÆre on the ML then youÆve heard me mention this, if not why donÆt you check it out? Anyone want to draw some pics of Saitou in an X-men type uniform, or Wolverine as Shinsengumi?

10.16.99 & 10. 17.99
  There are now text descriptions up for the new scans from last week, and I also broke the text page up into three sections, to make it easier to navigate. There are two new fan club members, there were some updated links throughout the site (Like the new location of 'Kyoto Shinsengumi') added more pictures to Jenny's cosplay profile! Um, member profiles for mailing list updated. The new ones start at the bottom of page 4, and continue onto page 5. There were 8 parodies added, along with another parody choice. There's more kagetai fiction, more regular fiction...
  Um, theres a site info/credit/thanks page up now in the misc. section. I also added a 'Saitou Sightings' page in there ^_^; The look of the awards has been changed. To tell you the truth I have been doing so much to this place I can't remember what's new, and what was just upgraded?! ~_~; gomen...
 >> added 10.17.99 Added more of Pearl's Innocent Killer & Wolf's Honor, and Serizawa Kamo's awesome Aitou, soshite Kibou! Another profile was added in the kagetai(I have 2 or 3 more I'm perusing, which should be up soon, as well as the rest of the Kagetai fiction). There was a contribution to the wishlist, some more YKYLSTMW, & two pieces of kagetai fan art were added.

  Yes, Tokio lives. I am back with a vengeance! This is day one of the massive update onslaught.You may notice a brand new look for the main page. Do you like it? I'll be getting the rest of the site to match a little better, as the week progresses.
  Ah, new page of updates ^_^. The listbot link for update notification has moved to this olÆ page. I have a new winamp skin from Kel (thanks!) two new award winners, additions to the resources(Hijikata info link & another book title!) and for the big additionà 64 new manga scans (all done by me, which is why I had trouble getting to anything else! You do not want to know how long the scanning took ~_~;) and 9 new OAV screen caps! Sorry, but for now there are only thumbnails for these images. I should have the text desc. up asap.

 More YKYLSTMW, 2 more mailing list member profiles, another parody, another Kagetai profileà Ah, Eiji-kun (of RK Network of Sites) made me a really wicked .gif of Gekka no Kenshi Shinsengumi in action! My personal links were updated since I realized I left out some important onesà OH ~ Greeting cards are working again! Thankfully someone pointed out that I had forgotten something importantà you know, providing the correct URLs for the images? ~_~;; Tokio no bakaà Lastly, I re-did the æabout meÆ page. Much shorter now and includes a rather ridiculous picture of Tokio dressed as a Jedi Knight.  ~_~;

 Sorry itÆs sort of a light update, but IÆm burnt out this weekend. Hopefully the rest of my manga will show up soon and IÆll be able to have a scan-fest next weekend. IÆll also have some OAV pics for you ^_^

 Hello one and all. More updates for you. For starters there was tweaking to JoketsuÆs,  and MidoriÆs Kagetai profiles. There are two new Kagetai profiles, and (yippee) Tokio finally put up gads of Kagetai fiction! Finally! ^_^; The page looks a little different now, so check it out.I received a very interesting hunk of information regarding the similarities between Last Blade and Rurouni Kenshin, which has been made into itÆs own page called æThe Truth Behind GnK?Æ.

 Two new Mailing List member profiles were added, there was another Saitou award winner (congrats RK Creative Center!) and some additions on the fan fic page; æSaitoh in the DoghouseÆ & a Teaser for Innocent Killer, both by Pearl Louis.

 Greetings Saitou fans. Fandemonium 99 is up and running! Yes, now you can enter to win some pretty kewl Rurouni Kenshin prizes! Please go to the page, check it out, and spread the word.

 As for normal updates, there aren't too many this week ^_^; I was devoting my time to the contest, sorry. What I do have, though is another Mailing List member profile, another fan club member, two poems added to the worship section, Jenny's profile was added for the cosplay section and more YKYLSTMW.

 Tokio has been busy! There areà <takes huge breath>
 More YKYLSTMW, Saitou Memories, parodies, Fanclub members, name analysis info, another resource added, another "real life" pic: Saitou's squad,  a new version of the RK Deul winamp skin (v 2.23) was added, the Shinsengumi page has some little japanese links added, I awarded Kaoru-dono the Chou award (congrats!), added more last blade screen shots & the Last Blade 2 shots & info, added Pearl LouisÆs Innocent Killer (whoo hoo), and more cosplay pics!  And (FINALLY) Another MadLib!! <gasps & catches breath>

 New Feature! Liquid LÆs fabbo screen shots have been incorporated into a Last Blade page (which can be accessed via the shinsengumi page) complete with message board to allow people to discuss this game & others. More screenshots coming in next weekÆs update!

 There was a * massive * fan fiction update! Not only did I re-format the stories to host them all on my server (instead of linking them, as a few were) I added stories by Katsu no Miko, Pearl Louis, Croik, Rurichan & L. Sith! TheyÆre all really good, too, so go read æem!

 I redesigned "Tokio's Links" & the Rurouni Kenshin links, which was very cluttered and slow loading. There is now a link yourself system which will allow you to quickly & easily add your own link to this site.

 Updated awards section (thanks for the award, Eiji-kun!), and organized it a little better.  The resources were tweaked, and I think there was one or two things added in there. I re-did the layout of the fan club page, and added a new member, another cosplay profile is up, and there were updates to Seta Jinko & JoketsuÆs Kagetai profiles.

 Last, but not least, I re-did all of the parodies to make them easier to check out, and quicker loading. Also, some of the older ones were deleted to  make way for the newer ones... he he he, sorry, but I kept the ones I thought were funnier?!

 It seems like I did a lot more than I actually did? I think it was all those parodies I had to put together, or maybe laying the groundwork for "Fandemonium 99"? (Some of you know what that's about, the rest of you will have to wait until September...)

 No, wait, I know what it was! There was this pesky glitch where I forgot to put a "../multimedia/" in a link somewhere, and since I was using that as a template for the other pages more often than not when someone would click multimedia in the linking thingee at the bottom of the page they would wind up at the index for whichever folder they were in at the moment. This is fixed now, although it meant going through all my html files to make sure the thing was there. ~_~;

 Along with the parodies there are more resources for you, as well as another cosplay profile and another fan club member. I re-did the fan fiction page, and there is another chapter of That Which Lingers up, as well as the next part of my fic, The Familiar Face of Darkness. Oh, and I started a new page of updates, in case you couldn't tell.

 By now I'm sure you've noticed the page has moved? Yup, since this place was so mammoth, I decided to purchase my own domain. If you've linked me, please change the target to www.Miburo.com. If you have a banner with the 'surf.to/Saitou' on it you will need a newer copy. I spent an entire day (and night) in front of the computer, trying to get this all done. It may not seem like a lot accomplished, but hey, scanning sucked up time as did switching to this new URL. Anyway, here's what's new, and I hope you enjoy it all.

 NEW ADDITION: If you visit the Fan Stuff section you'll find a new section for your enjoyment entitled "Cosplay Connection". Inside you'll see pics, interviews, tips, and more. If you've cosplayed, or ever plan to, you'll want to check it out.

 Image Gallery: 24 new manga scans! There are some really fine ones in there, too. ^_^ You can find them on page 4 (thumbnails), or at the top of the text link gallery. Fan Art: I have scoured through Japanese websites (unable to read anything, dammit) and found a bunch of GORGEOUS Saitou fan art. There are links to lead you to these treasures, since the language barrier permits me from asking these talented artists' permission to host the pics here. Resources: I've added links to some Japanese fan sites for Saitou, as well as one for the Kyoto Shinsengumi Party, and Mike's Last Blade scans.

 Want More?: I have re-done the message board and chat room, since both were bothering me. They're much nicer now, check them out. There are more Saitou Memories, YKYLSTMW, Shinsengumi Kagetai profiles, Fan Club members, and yes, more Parodies! PLUS - I've received FOUR additions for my awards section. Perfect timing, too! Thanks a lot, sniff sniff, I feel so special! There was additional tweaking dealing with the new URL, some new images in the sections, and now I have some cute "thanks" pages you'll spot when you fill out a form. I have a new e-mail addy, Tokio@Miburo.com, but have no fear, the old e-mail is still around & is sticking around. You can also contact me via AIM: tokio-chan  or ICQ: Tokio (#45905027)

 Hey gang, have some more goodies for you all. There are four new parodies up for your amusement. I have also added a brand spanking new parody for you to choose from! This time, it features Saitou and Sanosuke!

 What else? AH! We've got some more links in the resource section, two shitajiki scans have been added to page 1 of the image gallery, there are two more members in the fan club, and two more member profiles up for the mailing list. Yet another award winner (congrats Tae-chan), and last, but never least, another winamp skin!

 Hey, I was informed I am the Rurouni Kenshin Superior Site at RK Network of Sites (I dunno if this is a weekly thang, or what?) You can check out what Eiji had to say by clicking on 'superior site' in his menu. ^_^  Thanks Eiji!

 I was cut short in my updating by a strange prank HAL (my 'puter) played on me, which kept me occupied. HAL is once again in his right mind, although he insists on calling me Dave... Anyway, despite his attempts to thwart me a mini update has been done. Expect more updatedness in a day or so!

 You might notice the little Topsites thing on the main page. I'd love if you'd support the site by voting for me! Purty please?
Guess what else we have? More fan art! Hazah! Kourin sent me a great piece, which inspired me to dig out the old sketch pad and scan some of my old doodlings. Yup, Tokio actually has THREE whole drawings in the gallery now! Aren't you all proud? No? ~_~; Had some minor changes with the awards, just little details added, and lastly (I think) a few new banners for linking.

 Another update, and "Why so soon", you may ask? Well, I had good reasonà I think itÆs a good reason, anyway. Before that, though, I want you to know there are two new parodies in the humor section, and two new Kagetai profiles in the fan stuff section. I can also happily say, Yes, another award, and another link.

 I submitted this site to the gang at SKK Reviews, and man did they surprise me with their review. They like it, they really like it!? I am more than a little happy, IÆm ecstatic! It justà sniffà made me so darn happy. IÆd love if you would read what they had to say.I have to brag for a moÆ and say I was the 1st to receive a 10 out of 10! YATTA! ItÆs thanks to all the support, encouragement, and feedback from the fans, so I share it with you all. No, really. ^_^

 In closing, IÆd like to thank the reviewers for taking the time to go through this massive collection of Saitou madness, and to thank them for the award. ^_^ Be sure to read their other reviews, while youÆre at their site. Thanks!

 More links! More Saitou memories! And yes, most importantly, more images in the gallery, about 16 of them (Page 2 of the thumbnail gallery). Anything else? Hrm... Oh yeah! More parodies, another member profile, another award winner. additions to the YKYLSTMW list... I think that was all? I really can't remember now ~_~; Hey - I updated kuni tori recently, though! Remember that site? No? ;-(

 Gee... notice anything different? Yeah, the site layout changed again. ~_~; I just re-vamped the whole thing, then looked at it and said "This stays, the rest goes." Mostly an aesthetics update, this time - new look, new graphics, new thumbnails in the image gallery... No, wait, there is some more info in the form of little pop-up boxes, in the Shinsengumi section.

 I still think the site looks best in Netscape, although everything works in IE. So, why did I stay up 24+ straight hours re-doing things? (okay, so I took time out to see a movie, and eat.. and chat...) The icky color shades I used before didn't strike me as ones Hajime would like. He might have seen the site, and thought Chibi Usa hit it with her "Pink Sugar Heart Attack". Well, what do you all think now? Better? Still needs some work? Throw me a frickin' bone here, people! (Ahh... I just sunk to a new low ~_~;)

 Let's see..what was done? Oh, we have some parodiesnow! You can read them in the humorsection. There is a new winamp skin in the multimedia section, another member of the mailing list filled out their profile, and there were re-touches done hither and thither... like adding some blue to make the place look less like Barney exploded on it? ~_~;

 A whole, brand spanking new, look for the site. I hope everyone likes it? I nixed the frames, and organized things better. New additions/updates include: Humor section, redesigned & updated info, new images in gallery, sounds, desktop wallpaper, winamp skins,avi, member updates for the mailing list, fan club & Shinsengumi kagetai, fan art, updated greeting cards,new awards & award winners, new chat room, message board, worship fun, more & better organized links... I know I'm forgetting things, but tough. The entire site has been re-done. I'm looking forward to seeing the sky again! I've been at this computer up for so long... I guess this makes up for the long breaks between the other updates, ne?